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A wanderer’s tour for schoolchildren and their parents

A wanderer’s tour for schoolchildren and their parents

A four-day programme of guided tours where every day is a new adventure

A wanderer’s tour for schoolchildren and their parents

A four-day programme of guided tours where every day is a new adventure

One day of traditional skills and knowledge with new experiences – One day spent in the company of horses and lake and stream experts – One day of survival in the wild – One day for relaxation


Let Šaleška Valley be the destination of your family’s grand journey!

You do not have to go halfway around the world to have a new experience every single day. Come over to our Valley, where you will find old crafts, various bodies of water and opportunities to develop nature survival skills, which guarantees a different daily experience time and time again.

On the first day, we will learn about an interesting pottery technique (the so-called ‘raku’) and create our own item in as little as 4 hours.

On the second day, we will learn about the diversity of the local bodies of water in a very interesting way. We will soak in the natural atmosphere during a cross-country horse ride around Škalsko Lake or as part of our fishing tour. After lunch at Fishermen’s Hut, Pearl the Dwarf will reveal to us the secrets of the stream in the Valley of the Mills.

On the third day, we will test our nature survival skills in a very exciting manner!

On the fourth day, we will pay another visit to the pottery shop where our souvenir item will be ready for us, and then we will relax at the Terme Topolšica Spa Resort or at Velenje Beach.

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Reservation and information

Šaleška Valley Tourism Board
T: +386 3 896 18 64

