Pozojs’s Castle route
Do you know that Šalek is also known as the Valley of the Castles? Take Pozoj’s castle trail and discover which castle our valley was named after!
We will start our gathering with a familiar greeting in front of the VILLA BIANCA and together overcome the first challenge – 233 stairs to THE CASTLE OF VELENJE. We will look at the castle and the Šalek Valley collection between the 10th and 17th centuries. Next comes a walk across town and a short stop at the Miner monument with a symbolic display of a leap over the skin. We will continue the route to the 7000 CASTLES ŠALEK and ECKENSTEIN. The castle potion will give us the strength to hunt for hidden treasure. We take the bus to the TURN ESTATE, where we will get to know the fruit growing and take a short break for lunch from the backpack. The last outpost of our castle trail will be the OLD ŠKALE. We will hear stories of lost vases, mastodons and dragon Pozoj.

13,00 EUR per child
The price includes local tourist guidance, tours according to the programme, and organisation.The price is informative for 20 children and can be adjusted based on the size of the group and the visitors’ preferences. All services under the programme must be booked in advance.
VAT is included in the price We reserve the right to change the price and programme.
In the case of a small group please inquire about pricing. We customise the trip based on your preferences.
Duration og the programme:
5 hours
Possibility of lunch in Fishing home Velenje (children’s menu):
6,50 EUR per child
* In case of booking directly with the caterer.
Reservations and Information: Šaleška Valley Tourist Board
Zavod za turizem Šaleške doline
T: 03 896 17 15
E: turizem@velenje.si