The Velenje Gallery
The Velenje Gallery, which was built in 1971, is located at the Titov trg 5. Adi Miklavc, the architect put the gallery next to other significant example of architectural heritage: the Velenje culture centre, the wokers’ club, the “Ljudska univerza” (open college) which was built in 1957 and offices of the Velenje Coal-mine. The culture centre, the workers’ club and the open college are the work of the architect Oton Gaspari (1957), while the offices of the Velenje Coal-mine were designed by Aljoša Aljančič in 1959.
To this urban environment of the very heart of the tow was in 1997 added an office and trade building designed by Nande Korpnik. Architecturally the building follows the design of the Velenje Coal-mine offices, whilst also trying to strike harmony with the architecture of the Paka Hotel designed in 1959 by architect Stanko Rohman and the offices of the Ljubljanska banka, the work of architect Miloš Bonča (1972).
The Gallery and the Library found their rightful place in the town’s square in 1976. However, in 2005 the library was moved to a new premises, giving the Gallery additional space needed for different exhibitions. Additional exhibition rooms meant that the Gallery is able to hold major exhibitions and projects and has become a true centre of modern applicable art and major exhibitions.
– Tuesday, Wednesday in Friday: 10.00 AM – 6.00 PM
– Thursday: 10.00 AM – 8.00 PM
– Saturday : 10.00 AM – 1.00 PM
– the Gallery is closed on Sunday, Monday and holidays
T: +386 3 828 00 10