️Zaradi izrednih razmer in danes novo napovedanih padavin Hotel Paka brezplačno odpira svoja vrata vsem ogroženim, še posebej udeležencem festivala Festivala MetalDays in gostom Campa Velenje, saj želimo, da čim več ljudi noč preživi na toplem in suhem.
Žal za vse nimamo prostih mest, zato bomo sprejemali goste do zapolnitve prostih kapacitet Hvala za razumevanje in dobrodošli.
Due to the emergency situation and today’s newly announced strong rainfall Hotel Paka is opening its doors free of charge to all those who are in a risk, especially the participants of the MetalDays festival and the guests of the Camp Velenje. We wish that as much guests that we can except, spent the night on warm and dry. Unfortunately, we do not have free places for everyone, so we will be able to accept guests until the capacites are filled. Thank you for understanding and welcome
Stay safe and take care